How to change the oil in your car in 8 steps

Changing the car oil is one of the most important things you can do for the welfare of your car. The regular oil change is an essential part of maintaining optimum car as it helps the engine run smoothly and last longer, while improving performance.
oil change
Used oil clogs the critical parts of your vehicle and could eventually cause a major failure in the motor, whose repair could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Many car owners are hesitant or they feel like changing the oil themselves, preferring to leave it to the mechanic in his workshop. However, changing the oil is actually very simple to do, and also if you like DIY, save yourself some money.

You have to check the manual for your car but normally you should change the engine oil every 4500-9000 miles. This is what you need if you're going to face the oil change

Essential for oil change

Two portable ramps
Oil pan
An old rag
Clothes that do not mind staining
Latex gloves (or similar)
Engine Oil
An oil filter
Wrench oil filter
The guide in 8 steps to change the engine oil in your car

Start the engine for a few minutes to warm the oil (cold oil is drained worse than if tempered). If the car has been running for a while, wait until the engine cools down a little, as the hot oil could be burned.
Unless you're driving a monstrous trailer, you have to raise the car. Place a couple of portable ramps on an elevated surface and carefully driving the car until the front wheels are squarely on the ramps. Give the parking brake, turn off the engine and leave the car in first (or "Neutral" if automatic). For extra safety, wedges placed behind the rear wheels. Note: never use two jacks to prop up the car: very unstable!
Wearing gloves to protect your skin from harmful chemicals in the oil, slide under the car and locate the oil drain plug on the engine. Then place the oil pan underneath. Check your owner's manual to find the exact location.
Loosen the plug with a wrench until you can remove by hand, and get ready for a splash of oil. It is imperative that you do this when the engine is too hot! Once all the oil has drained, put the cap back on.
Then you have to change the oil filter. Raise the hood of the car and hold it properly. Locate the oil filter and uses a special wrench to unscrew. Take the new filter and lubricate the rubber seal with a thin coat of oil to help protect it. You just have to screw the filter into place and tighten it with the wrench.
Remove the plug to fill the oil tank in the upper part of the engine. Place the funnel in the hole (some oil bottles come with one) and pour the oil clean. Sign in manual oil capacity and found that the levels are correct by dipstick. Do not forget to put the cap back on.
Put the car in neutral and check for eye if something dripping under the car. If so, stop the engine, put it back in place and make sure all plugs are closed and properly adjusted.
Used motor oil is highly toxic to the environment. To eliminate waste oil properly, take it to your private workshop where you can report how recycling or storage.
And that's about to change the oil in your car. Now you can brag to your friends from your impressive mechanical skills!

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