Check your car after the summer

The holidays are over for us and now start for your car. After two months in which you have overloaded with suitcases and bundles, circulated by impassable roads and traveled hundreds of miles, it's time to give a little break, check it and leave it ready before you start again our work routine and winter season .

Therefore we want to lend a hand to drivers and have made recommendations on the points of your vehicle should inspect and fix:

Thorough cleaning

Probably your car bring your own "memories" of the holiday: beach sand, prints insects on the windshield, gravel mountain ... So the first step is to submit to a thorough cleaning. Ideally, take it to a specialist center where they perform an interior and exterior vehicle cleaning but if our budget does not allow it we can do it ourselves. In many gas stations have powerful suction and pressure water guns with which to exchange for a few coins we can leave our immaculate car. A cloth for glasses and dashboard will be all you need to give the final touch.

With the car clean will be easier to discover possible scratches or dents on the body. If they are small can repair yourself. Exist in the various market products to touch up scratches and even to take the buns, although it is best to leave it to professionals.

Fluid levels

Use the dipstick to make sure the oil level is below the minimum, if so fill it up to the mark. Also, fill the radiator water.
With the engine cold, check the fluid level cooling system observing the recovery vessel. The level must be between the minimum and the maximum indicated on the glass and should never be filled completely.

It is advisable to check the brake fluid every two years and revise the braking system with some frequency. Late summer is a good time to do so, especially if you've noticed any decrease in brake response.

Due to the heat it can happen that the brake pads overheat and called fading effect, ie there to step over the brake pedal and yet not brake the car properly occurs. In this case, for our own safety, it is essential to review the braking system and replace the pads.

Pressure and drawing wheels

After kilometers traveled and overweight who have been under the vehicle is possible that the tire pressure has dropped. If you do not have the right pressure will overheat, gasoline consumption will increase and will be spent before.

Always check them when they are cold and inflate as recommended by the manufacturer. Also used to ensure that the tire tread is not too worn and that its depth is not less than 4mm. If so, you should change them.
air conditioning

After giving much use during these hot months it may be that the air conditioning system does not cool with the same power or air does not come as cold as it should. Chances are that the circuit has run out of gas or that it does not circulate properly.

To find out for sure and remedy, you must pay a visit to your shop. And remember, the HVAC system is not only useful to maintain proper temperature at all times, it is essential defroster while driving and allow an optimal view of the road.

Wiper blades

Your car will have been parked in the sun for hours which, coupled with the drop in temperature at night may have hardened rubber wipers and having evaporated the water tank.

If this occurs, the wipers will not fulfill its function properly, will cause an annoying noise when you get going and not release water to clean the windscreen. Check the brushes, if necessary, replace them with new ones and fill the water tank wiper.

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